door Petra | jul 15, 2021 | In English, Natuurlijk leren & onvoorwaardelijk ouderschap
What is more valuable then being outside on your bike? What is there more to do then petting al the cats you see? What I there more to learn then to be with the English neighbors all morning and make a sword? For us, one thing that occurs in live is not more or less...
door Petra | jul 12, 2021 | Een nieuwe wereld, In English
I get touched by the freedom shown by our children. I tear up when I see Doris dancing on the street. I almost cry when is see Iza joining. I loved it when Iza waves at random people in the streets or when Doris goes to ‘meet’ people (as she calls it) at the campsite....
door Petra | jun 30, 2021 | In English, Natuurlijk leren & onvoorwaardelijk ouderschap
🇳🇱 Geven en ontvangen is hetzelfde. Waar onvoorwaardelijk gegeven wordt, wordt ook ontvangen. Dat onvoorwaardelijk ontvangen maakt het geven mogelijk, dus door te ontvangen geef je de ander de mogelijkheid om te geven. Onvoorwaardelijkheid komt dan ook nooit vanuit...
door Petra | jun 26, 2021 | In English, Over geld en geven
The big difference between a giveconomy and any system that is based on scarcity is the full or empty bucket. Unconditional giving, giving because you feel abundant, can only occur when your like a full bucket. When you are like a full bucket, it will automatically...
door Petra | jun 25, 2021 | Een nieuwe wereld, In English
These quotes are from the podcast I made with Jens from Exploring Happiness. If you want to know more listen to the whole podcast (at Media you can find it, it is Exploring Happiness Podcast II) Enjoy listening!
door Petra | jun 24, 2021 | Bewustzijn en intuïtie, In English
Perspectives…they are so important in how the world works for you. The quote: “What you see is what you get”, says more about the one that is seeing than about the one that is seen. Are you really able to see the other one for who he is? Can you really see beyond you...